• 13
  • 07
  • 2019
  • 07.30
  • pm

Shoplifter's Union presents VALA With guests w/ Idle Hours, Green Gardens + The Cottons

Please note this is an 18+ event

VALA are a 60’s-inspired indie pop band. With strong melodies, classic songwriting and an energetic stage show these guys are a must-see live act.

“the four have an instantly likeable, infectious energy about them” – Rebecca Mason, One Great Song

“the increasingly rare feel of a guitar band just enjoying making music together.” – The Unsigned Guide

“Sitting somewhere between The Strokes and the Arctic Monkeys, the band hit the jackpot” – Backseat Mafia

“So I like it, but will you? Well if you like indie-rock, you will. If you like a classic pop song, you will. And if you love well constructed music, played extremely well, you will.” – Frank Roper, Local Sound Focus