• 05
  • 03
  • 2016
  • 07.30
  • pm

TRASH // PLAZA // Medics // Mirror Gorillas

Please note this is an 18+ event

Four piece indie-pop outfit Trash are one of the exciting new acts to come out of the Chesterfield / Leeds area in the last couple of years. Playing a mixture of quirky guitar riffs, driven rhythms and catchy vocals. They have recently released their Urban Glow E.P through Clue Records.

Hailing from Teesside, Plaza have been powering around the north of England in the last year playing shows in Stockton, Leeds, Newcastle and Manchester. Using the ideal combination of washy reverbs and guitars to create catchy euphoric indie pop tunes.

Medics is the spawn of Sean Toohey, Harley Spence, Pete Owen & Tom Ford … In which they describe the band as a set of ‘loud mouth, over opinionative weirdos’

And that isn’t somewhat far from the truth Medics take topics haunting every post college/uni graduate, such as ‘love, careers, addiction’ and beat them to death with floaty ramshackle guitar tones and aggressive rhythms.