• 19
  • 06
  • 2019
  • 07.00
  • pm

No Matter presents new matter #2 Featuring Lisa Robertson, Harry Josephine Giles & Lila Matsumoto

Please note this is an 18+ event

Continuing our funded adventure (thanks Arts Council England, total babes) this is our second of six events with commissioned performances throughout 2019! Super chuffed to this time be welcoming Lisa Robertson, Harry Josephine Giles & Lila Matsumoto

7.30pm, Weds 19th June at The Castle Hotel. FREE ENTRY


>>> Lisa Robertson is Canadian and lives in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region of France. Her most recent book of poetry is 3 Summers, from Coach House; a chapbook, Starlings, is available from Krupskaya. She is currently completing a novel, The Baudelaire Fractal, which concerns the mysterious, sudden and unbidden reception of the authorship of the complete Baudelairean oeuvre, in a Vancouver hotel room in 2017. It will be published by Coach House Books in winter 2020.

>>> Harry Josephine Giles is a writer and performer from Orkney and based in Edinburgh. Their poetry collections Tonguit (2015) and The Games (2018) were both shortlisted for the Edwin Morgan Poetry Award, and Tonguit for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection. Harry Josephine was the 2009 BBC Scotland slam champion, founded Inky Fingers Spoken Word, and co-directs the performance platform Anatomy. Their participatory theatre has toured widely, including Forest Fringe (UK), NTI (Latvia), CrisisArt (Italy) and Teszt (Romania). Harry Josephine’s performance What We Owe was picked by the Guardian’s best-of-the-Fringe 2013 roundup – in the “But Is It Art?” category. www.harrygiles.org

>>> Lila Matsumoto is a poet and lecturer based in Nottingham. Her publications include Urn & Drum (Shearsman), Soft Troika (If a Leaf Falls Press) and Allegories from my kitchen (Sad Press). Recent work has been anthologised in Wretched Strangers: Borders Movements Homes and The World Speaking Back: To Denise Riley (both Boiler House Press). She co-runs the magazine and performance night FRONT HORSE and plays in the band Food People.

FREE entry ~ save your pennies for the book table ~ seating and space is limited by capacity so come early to make sure you get a good spot